About: Secure Electric Fencing is a company that supplies and installs fencing, security systems and services in Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. The company has been in business for over 10 years and has a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing the best possible service to their clients. Secure Electric Fencing is committed to providing its customers with the highest quality products and services available.
Hi there, Could you please provide a quote for installation of 2 x Wood infill pedestrian gates. Pref galvanized steel frame. Would it also be possible to provide 2 quotes, one for use of Wood and one for use of Nutec and which do you recommend? Please include pictures of proposal. Slats to be narrow so that one cannot easily see through the gate. Currently we have wooden doors and frames fitted at the entrances which are rotting away as they are exposed to the elements daily. I think they are standard size, but I have added the measurements/pictures. If you could please make out quote to below details as it is for a body corporate. Name: Address: c/o Trafalgar Property Management, Maitland I also prefer email to calls due to high spam, but leave a message if I don't answer my cell.
Hi there My name is Maya and I consult for an ECD in Khayelitsha. Our school got robbed last week and as a result we are looking for barbed wire to boost our security for the safety of our children. Currently our financial situation is under pressure and we are thus looking for a company that could be of assistance to us. We can offer a Section 18A to your company. Our specs are: 6x6x10. If you can assist us or can lead us in the direction of someone you can, it would be greatly appreciated. All the best Maya
Please find attached drawing for the new Gas cage at Rezmep 3. It can be a basic Chain link fence, similar in the picture with the rounded posts – depending on what the supplier can offer. Please could you give me a price in galvanized, black . If coloured, either sprayed or powdercoated. Please let me know what the possibilities are with prices on the various options. Rezmep 3 Gas Cage c/o Du Toit and Church street.
• Weldmesh (92.5x50x25x2.5) (Must be rust proof, galvanized) • Flat wrap razor wire top and bottom • Main and corner posts x3mmx4m • Stays (50x2mmx3.8m) • Intermediate posts (76x2x3.8m) • Straining wire • Concrete • Intermediate posts to be 3m distance between each. • Wire Tensioners to be installed on straining wires. • All gates to be sliding gates, and be supplied with lockable device (6x sliding gates as indicated on google earth doc with purple arrows). • Sliding gate to run on angle iron rail. Must be properly secured with concrete. • Gate sizes 9m opening. • Old fence to be totally removed and replaced with new one. • All steel to be painted. Just an extra information will provide me with a full project plan with full detailed programme The programme must in detail describe the extent of the work to be carried out including but not limited to:- 1. Planned commencement date, activities and planned completion date; 2. Sequence, timing and resources for carrying out the work; 3. Method statement showing proposed method of carrying out the works. 4. Cost breakdown of labour and materials
We want to have a motor installed for my mother's garage door which is currently operated manually. We want to do this if possible without having to replace the garage door, as she lives in a complex where all the garages need to look the same. Please let us know what the cost would be and whether it is possible to do it like this.
Hello, we have a digidoor 3 motor that has blown in glenhills Durban North and we are looking for someone to replace the motor and chain. The door springs need to be tighted and the door needs to be serviced. The current setup is two rollup doors that are joined together by a bar that is hooked upto a digidoor motor. Please can you send me a quote on a few options with the different motor types and what guarentee come with each motor type. Thank you.
Hello there I work at Bodhi Khaya Retreat Centre in Gansbaai. We have several incidents with baboons breaking the glass roof of one of our houses at the premises. This keeps recurring and is adding up now. We want to address the root cause and put electrical wiring around the house/the roof to keep the baboons away. Kind regards Emmanuel
Note that there is one which was installed by the previous owner (DIY) which is currently not working at all due to its poorly installation. My expectations is that, if I agreed the terms and conditions, installation needs to be done neatly quickly (within reasonable time frame) and also linked to my current alarm system. Yard is 32m X 34m.
Hi, I require a fence of about 4 m(length) by 1,5 m(height). A swing gate of 1,5m(length) by 1m(height) but if there's a standard gate size in terms of width/length then it can be wooden panel with the gate. I also require a swing gate of 0.9m(length) by 1m(height.) for the patio area. If possible can you quote on a wooden fence and a picket fence? The fencing required is for child safety to prevent the kids from accessing the pool area. Thanks Kind regards,
I need Pallasades on top of a precast wall height of wall - 6 feet I need palisades between mm - 1 meter installed on top of the wall length required 14 meter i saw an image of the different types of palisades - i would prefer a butterfly or devils fork attached is a photo of the garden area - the palisades mys go on the wall where the Jasmin is planted(left side) between the houses