- palisade with spikes 3 meter length, height 2.5 meter - square tube 76 × 76, 3 meters - Triangle Pole caps - 1 Complete 6 meter gate same design as palisades - 20 square solid bar 10 × 10 - 2 hinges - 1 pedestrian round solid bar for gate to run on - 4 wheels for 6 meter gate if gate doesn't have wheels - 2 Ultra locks The quatation must only be for purchasing not installation.
Good day Can you please mail me a quote on a carport installation Remove or revamp/extend existing carport , which is aprox.3.7m x 5m , To 10m x 3.7m one side connected to house with a mix of IBR sheeting and poly carb sheeting. Slope away from house wall. My name is alex jackson Address= 1 Lopis street , sherbrooke estate Edenglen
Good day Kindly requesting a quotation for the supply, delivery and installation of a turnstile door/system for a school library at the New Malamulele Secondary School Site. Below is the GPS location for the school. 22°59'44.0"S 30°42'58.0"E https://goo.gl/maps/7dmpqBxVVkWWjpSg6 Please find the RFQ attached containing descriptions and quantities. Your speedy response will be highly appreciated. Kind regards -- Selaelo LILITHALETHU TRADING (NEW MALAMULELE SECONDARY SCHOOL)
Good day! Kindly requesting a quotation for the supply, delivery and installation of a turnstile door/system for a school library at the New Malamulele Secondary School Site. Below is the GPS location for the school. 22°59'44.0"S 30°42'58.0"E https://goo.gl/maps/7dmpqBxVVkWWjpSg6 Your speedy response will be highly appreciated. Kind regards -- Selaelo LILITHALETHU TRADING (NEW MALAMULELE SECONDARY SCHOOL)
We have an existing shade port with a fixed front wall and 2 x side panels and an automated garage door. We have the garage door motor and 2 x fluorescent lights fitted to the roof support structure. The roof is in 2 x sections, with a flexible join in the middle. The existing material used does not provide sufficient waterproof cover. Depending on options available, we may consider replacing 2 x sides as well. Our priority is the roof area.
Hi there, Could you please provide a quote for installation of 2 x Wood infill pedestrian gates. Pref galvanized steel frame. Would it also be possible to provide 2 quotes, one for use of Wood and one for use of Nutec and which do you recommend? Please include pictures of proposal. Slats to be narrow so that one cannot easily see through the gate. Currently we have wooden doors and frames fitted at the entrances which are rotting away as they are exposed to the elements daily. I think they are standard size, but I have added the measurements/pictures. If you could please make out quote to below details as it is for a body corporate. Name: Address: c/o Trafalgar Property Management, Maitland I also prefer email to calls due to high spam, but leave a message if I don't answer my cell.
Hi there My name is Maya and I consult for an ECD in Khayelitsha. Our school got robbed last week and as a result we are looking for barbed wire to boost our security for the safety of our children. Currently our financial situation is under pressure and we are thus looking for a company that could be of assistance to us. We can offer a Section 18A to your company. Our specs are: 6x6x10. If you can assist us or can lead us in the direction of someone you can, it would be greatly appreciated. All the best Maya
Please find attached drawing for the new Gas cage at Rezmep 3. It can be a basic Chain link fence, similar in the picture with the rounded posts – depending on what the supplier can offer. Please could you give me a price in galvanized, black . If coloured, either sprayed or powdercoated. Please let me know what the possibilities are with prices on the various options. Rezmep 3 Gas Cage c/o Du Toit and Church street.
I trust you are well. I am looking for a quote to install a car port in Stellenbosch. Please see the below pic showcasing the property and the empty spot on the left where we would like to install this. We are looking for something functional, durable and aesthetically pleasing (matching the property) Please can you assist with the below: 1. Quote for shade netting carport 2. Quote for steel carport 3. Please can you supply an image of what both of these options look like. 4. What is the guarantee Can you confirm installation should take 1 day? How soon would you be able to start? PLEASE CONTACT ME VIA EMAIL
hi there, we have an existing paved area adjacent to our house which i would like to enclose with a solid car port. we would also like to have a garage door fitted to the carport with a motor, as well as replace 2 exisiting wooden garage doors that are very old. please e-mail only as i am in meetings. thanks,riaan.