extensions/additions to existing building.addition of a bedroom and study
Would like to build the boundary wall around the community church and install gates
church needs painting
I just need to paint a bedroom with 35 m Sq changing the color using plscom wall and all
I would like to build a sq m house as per the attached. The plot will be about sq m and reasonably flat. The house is to be a timber frame build.
Standard 3-bedroom house with a lounge, kitchen, bathroom and seperate toilet, all rooms need to be painted.
Redisign, knock down walls
Bathroom renovation: Remove existing bath, basin and toilet pan Repair 40ml drainage pipe (leak) Install new close couple toilet pan to new position Install new vanity Create new shower base Install new drainage for shower Waterproof shower base Install new shower taps and shower head Install new shower screen TILING Remove wall and floor tiles Primer walls Tile 20m2 walls Tile 2.5m2 floor Tile 1.2m2 shower floor Remove all rubble
Just need a quote for a square meter exterior painting of house