Built on top of a mm brick or concrete base, with brick uprights,say mm x mm spaced every 2 mts. With decorative steel fence with ornate spikes on top. The fence design would be with a kind of a dipping up and down effect between the brick uprights. Then there needs to be a lockable entrance gate midway through the fence line. You can call me around 2pm,
Supply, install and commission an Electric Fence / Intruder Alarm System to discourage unauthorised perimeter access to the premises as to Sekanyolya Systems or approved equal. m 8-10 strands high fence on top of the wall using steel posts with top portion inclined outwards; The system shall be capable of providing minimum 5 joules of shock energy anywhere on the fence divided into detection zones to indicate tampering or intrusion location which will facilitate quick and accurate reaction by the guards. PC running management software to control fence energizers and detailed event logging. With this arrangement the controls can extended to any geographical location over the Internet. Option for GSM modem fully integrated with fence energizer to SMS all alerts with details to multiple mobile subscribers on intrusion. Person to be speaking to -
Can you please provide me with a quotation for the following: Section 1: 15m (length) x 2m (height) and this includes a motorized gate of 4.3m (length) x 2m (height) Section 2: (on top of vibracrete wall) 6m (length) x mm (height) Can the quotation please include the cost of the motor as well as installation costs?
looking at m x 2mH fence to run square along boundary with 3 straight sections of m, and 2 straight sections of m razor wire diamond shaped mesh installation and/or comparative quote on diamond mesh fence. Both fully galvanised, posts, 6 cnr posts, two vehicle access gates and posts, concrete, hole digging, binding wire and stays included. Please indicate wire and fence used by weight or thickness and also specify size of mesh apartures in quote. Start date 21-28 April.
I'm looking for palisade fencing for 25 M, including electric gate and separate pedestrian gate. All in this 25M. It's a front part of the yard only. There is no need to dig and level the ground. Only to install the fence and the gate. I will be happy to also get the quote for clear view fence for the same 25M
Hi Admin The fence is to surround the front of a container home in Palm beach. Development expected in next 2 months. Black in color or recommended color according to best price Supply only Ground level Include 10 spare brackets mounting and two sheets fenceing with 2 extra poles over and aabove the
Good day. Our church needs a quotation to submit to the insurance for our front fence which was damaged during an accident. The driver of the vehicle drove away. We want to replace the damaged fence and the remaining fence with palisade fencing. Can you supply us with the quotation for the above products. The length of the fence is 16,30 meters in total. Can you include a pedestrian gate, as well as a sliding gate of 3,0m long. The dimensions of the gates are included in the total length of 16,30 meters. Please send quotation at your soonest convenience, in order to get the prices started. Hoping to hear from you soon.
Currently in Australia, but need fences in Bulawayo in Zimbabwe. I would like to fence an area of m using diamond fence wire 30m x 1.8m, and would like to know how many rolls I must buy and the price. I would also like to fence an area of m in total and would like to know the number of rolls and the cost to fence a total of m, preferably one with small holes that wont allow chicks to pass through. I will arrange transport to fetch.
Good Day. A quote for 20 metre fence with 2.5 height (include poles as well, only one corner pole will be required) and barbed wire for 20 metres. Can you also include labour should we require installation. Make a different quote for 50 metre diamond mesh and the right quantity of poles needed(only two corner poles needed) together with 50 metre barbed wire. Include labour cost as well.
Looking for reasonable quote and company who has experience and uses latest technology and reliable guaranteed products for electric fencing approx 23 meters and about 6 set of wires. Electric fencing company can initially Whatsapp me their quote and if im interested thereafter they can attend premises for exact measurements as final quote.