I have an existing alarm system with another company and I'm no longer happy with their services.
I have wood needed to make a gate. I have however been advised to have a gate made for me instead as it could be cheaper and less effort that way. Please advise on pricing.
Quotations for armed response and monitoring of residential property (house) in urban area. Property permanently occupied by owners (senior couple). No tenants or staff on property. Property with electric and pallisade fencing. Currently have service; no call-outs in more than 4 years. Please include all costs: monthly and/or annual.
Good Day, I am in need of a quotation for 4 armed security guards day shift and night shift for 2weeks and one for a month at Clements Kadalie Hall East London. This will be for a site I work at.
The SPCA requires the services of security guards between 16:00 and 8:00 daily
4m wide x 1.8m sliding gate with nutec or wood infill.
Please find an attachment below of the required quotation. Your reply will be highly appreciated. Kind Ragards