43m2 flooring needs to be repaired and the needs to be toilet replaced too. May need to tile behind the toilet as well but you will see when you get here. Thank you
Curtain rail installation.
My daughter needs help moving and assembling a double bed from downstairsbedroom to upstairs bedroom. And possibly some other smaller furnishings.
Please see attached floorplan for the first floor of house where I'm considering placement of AC in the landing area. I live in the Wellington area.
Remove 2x door frames and replace them with wooden frames. Replace 3x solid doors Repair outside staircase +/- 10m paving bricks or cement cast steps. Build jungle gym 8x wooden poles
1)Fit a safety rail to wall. 2)Hang picture
Cost of airconditioner unit and Installation for a Btu mid wall split unit
Hi I need a door removed and installes.
Can you please send me a quote to service an old air conditioner? You can send the quote on Whatsapp, please.