Razor wire or barbed wire on top of precast wall, approximately 25 sections
5 panel
Good morning kindly quote us on wooden fence to discus feather on designs and type, please send one of your representatives to our Office Today with Samples
I need secure razor wire installed on top of an existing pallisade (with pillars in between) fence as well as driveway gate.
10 walls
I wish to fence my site with clearvu fance
With 75cm spaces in between vertical poles instead of the standard cm.
Hi there, Could you please provide a quote for installation of 2 x Wood infill pedestrian gates. Pref galvanized steel frame. Would it also be possible to provide 2 quotes, one for use of Wood and one for use of Nutec and which do you recommend? Please include pictures of proposal. Slats to be narrow so that one cannot easily see through the gate. Currently we have wooden doors and frames fitted at the entrances which are rotting away as they are exposed to the elements daily. I think they are standard size, but I have added the measurements/pictures. If you could please make out quote to below details as it is for a body corporate. Name: Address: c/o Trafalgar Property Management, Maitland I also prefer email to calls due to high spam, but leave a message if I don't answer my cell.
about x