Quotes with wood and Metal poles if possible Length is 1.8m
Need a barrier wall - Main gate to be sliding (4mx2m) , Pedestrian gate (1.2mx2m)
Hi Id like to install barbed razor wire on 15m of pre-cast wall Id also like to add spikes to 4m of a facebrick wall
Razor wire on top of gardencrete wall & brackets
I hope you manufacture very strong poles
New Galvanized Weld Mesh Inner-Fence... Supply and fix in position as required new 1.8m high galvanized well mesh fence, properly strained and secured to post and stands with 2mm diameter galvanized wire. At the top of the fence provide fit new galvanised razor wire. Also Repair Boundary Fence...where shown supply and fix under dig security fence with approved fixes to the existing damaged fence, to match the existing fence. Size :×mm
Need estimate quote might need to adjust the length
Need m of barbed wire for farm fencing
Would like to add electric fencing on top of the 1.8m fence. Please extend the fence / gate posts so as to provide support for the electric fencing. We are interested in the product called "Secure Max ", by Wireforce. Would like to drop Balau wood through the V bends in the mesh fencing. Need 1 pedestrian gate and 2 motor gates.