Cake smash photo shoot for a girl.
We don't live in Bloemfontein. We will be in Bloem this Saturday and Sunday. Would love outdoor photoshoot
I am not good at doing photo shoot That the only thing that worries me
Good day you're speaking to 🌸 we had a COVID wedding therefore we never had the chance to have proper photos taken, so we'd like to do a photoshoot Bride and Groom,in our wedding outfits. We'd like to do a forest/rustic/boho type Photoshoot.
Accompany guests at a 5 star lodge documenting their entire stay from start to finish including meals, game drives, lodge footage and wildlife photography and videography.
It's a 50th birthday celebration Cake,decor,dress Focus on the main person of the party Her family kids spouse Siblings Niece,nephews In law sister's brothers Family friends pastor's