I have removed trees and would like to plant a vegetable and herb garden in the patch where the trees were removed. I need someone to lay it out for me with some stepping stones (which I already have), and put down topsoil and give me advice on which herbs and veg I can plant.
Curb side.....We have 3 wall panels centers with palm and grass all round. Preference of palms and grass. 1) Smooth stem palms (name unknown) 2) Buffalo grass
Needs lawn to be mowed.
Lawn mowing, pavement cleaning and tree branches pruning
Want to revamp the pool area and the paving around the pool area
Garden services. I also need a tree cut down.
Garden maintenance service, mow,edges, weed and turn garden beds,trim bushes etc ( only 2 or 3 in garden) sweep paving
Just pruning of trees, bushes en hedges in front garden area.
sqm plot in Mooikloof Equestrian estate. Large flower beds around stand and one around swimming pool. Mostly cycads, shrubs and trees. Currently lots of weeds. Might need once of thorough cleaning.