About: Pinecore is a leading provider of fencing solutions in Cape Town. We offer a wide range of fencing products and services to meet the needs of our customers. We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products and services at the most competitive prices.
Contractor will let me know
Good Morning, hope you are well. Please can you send me an Urgent quote WITH INSTALLATION for the following in Bloemfontein. 1 x 10m x 10m x 1.6m High Palisade Fence with Vehicle Access Sliding for Motor Vehicle. 1 x 10m x 10m Diamond Mesh Fencing (gewone draad heining) with Pedestrian Gate. Please address All quotes and Invoices to: DELPHIUS CIT (PTY) LTD UNIT F2 TILLBURY BUSINESS PARK 16TH ROAD RANDJESPARK MIDRAND REG NO: //07 VAT NO: POSTAL ADDRESS: PO BOX Lynwood Ridge Pretoria
I would like to build an additional bathroom on to the master bedroom, with a shower basin and a toilet. Have a double carport in front of the current single garage that I want to build walls with a double garage door to it.
Please email me. I will be able to arrange pick up of materials.
I require the supply/installation of galvanized, stainless steel - razor spiked palisade fencing for the front of my property, will serve as a boundary wall (I estimate the length of the fence to be 35m). I will also require a sliding gate that will open/close in my drive way that leads into my double garage.
Refurbishing of my current picket fence - wooden
There is already a garage, I just need the roofing changed and fix the inside of the garage properly, and I would like to expand the kitchen.
Wil need 1gate 3,5meters and 1gate 4,5meters
Please send me a Whatsapp message or an email. No calls please. We have an existing electric fence surrounding a complex building. This requires to be maintained. I have no idea of how long the fence actually is but the building is m2 and the fence surrounds the building.