Next week Wednesday. Double swing gate palisade, by plus 4 pedestrian gates
need steel palisade fencing for my parents house.
I need a quote on a Clearview fence with a main sliding gate installed.
Medium to High Security Residential Fencing
Corner posts shall have 12mm diameter hole drilled in the centre for earthing purposes, mesh wire 20mx20m should only be galvanised not hdg. Gates 2xsmall gates 1.5mx3m. 1 main gate5.2x3m. Gates to have spearheaded pales prodruding at the top by mm. Horizontal rails shall be 40x40x5mm angle iron section. Finish of steel palisade to be hot dipped galvanised hdg to sabs and sans specs Sliding gate and swing gate.
May you please supply us with a quotation for the below items : For a railway tender. 1. Barbed wire,fully galvanised Karoo 2,35kg x 1.6mm (65 qty) 2. Binding wire for droppers fully galvanised 50kg x 2.5mm thick x 2.m (7 qty) 3. Binding wire for poles fully galvanised 50kg x 3.15mm thick x m (1qty) 4. Binding wire for Y bars fully galvanised 50kg x 2.5mm diameter x m length(1qty) 5. Steel dropper x 1.4m ( qty) 6. Standard section steel y bar 3.7kg x 1.4m (qty) 7. Posts fully galvanised mild steel x x 30mm with base plates of x x 3mm (60 qty) 8. bolts for stays including nuts and washers 12mm mild steel fully galvanised(qty) 9. Stays fully galvanised mild s x 60 x 3mm ( qty ) 10. W farm gate galvanised 43mm O/D with hinges,washers,bolts,nuts L=4.m (1qty) 11. Gate posts at 2m x mm x 2mm (2 qty) 12. Steel wire 2.24mm high strain x m (4 qty) 13. Creosote poles x mm x mm x 2.1m (7qty) 14 standard section steel y bar x 2.1m (60qty) 15. Anchor wire for corner posts 50kg x 6mm (3qty)