5 bedrooms with a double garage, separate bathroom and toilet. Including laundry room.
We currently have a tiled terrace, underneath is a room. Every year we have to seal the ceiling in this room as humidity comes through the grouting as it gets more and more brittle. We look now for a long term solution. So we would like to remove the tiles and put concrete on (either by you or by our handyman) and then waterproof it, then we would like to put decking on. There is as well the area around the pool (also with tiles) which should be waterproofed (it is next to the terrace). We would like you to give us a quote on that please as soon as possible. Can somebody still come out today or tomorrow?
Damp walls and windows
I'm planning to build a 3 bedroom house with a single garage
Renovations on my home. This would be for the restructure of my home in Sq meter. It is a guesthouse but need to remodel it.
I need four bed rooms Double garage Two rooms outside with toilet and shower
I would like to add a double storey addition on top of our single storey house. I would like to know the process and the prices we basically want a replica of the single storey to be the same on the double storey.