House has been rewired and new DB installed House is up for urgent sals and requires a coc please
This enquiry relates to a single story 3 bedroom house that is nearing the end of renovation and probably be put up for sale in two or three months. As far as I know , a registered electrician has worked on tbe house recently but don't know what was done. However I know that another one has to inspect and advise on any repairs required. I think the house is approx 50yrs old
6 new plugs
Good day Can you please give me a quote to replace a stove top and oven. Regards,
A standard 3 bedroom, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, and 1 bathroom
I am in need of a compliance officer We had renovations done to the tiling of the church in terracotta tiles and the sanctuary in timber flooring but need expert advise before final payment is made
Main cable jointing and coc certification
Coc needed for 5 adjoining units.
4 shops (Dytico no7). Shopkeepers bridged prepaid meters. Wish to install 1 central meter with 4 separate meters for each shop. Municipality requires a COC first. Central meter should be located in Shop 4.