Got no budget yet, i need advice.
Want to reserve www.wcmissions.co.za
Charity website. Mostly text and some images needed. Needs a subscriber portal. I prefer email communication.
Holding company.New company with small different companies underneath. Also have a service sector. Must have Different entities on there. See what services they can get there. Not sure how many pages, need more advice Contact person: Funky
I need quotation before i make a decision and i also need advice from the professional.
I need a Website that will be able to accommodate my small Self Catering Guest Cottage, My books I have published, My Oil on canvas paintings, A small home canning industry and space to grow into some additional projects. All under the name of "Atara". As I am a writer I would also like a blog as part of the website. It must be a place that can grow with me and easy to upload stuff on my own and of course a support structure. I do have a small emblem and specific colors I want to be used as my branding on the site. The emblem would have to be fine tuned to come across as artistic, but professional with a PDF for me to then use it as part of my day to day correspondence. I am currently working overseas and will only be reachable via Whats app or email. I do not have a Facebook page, but would open a page and then incorporate it into the website and vica versa