I am looking at some quote. We are moving to a very large house in Morninghill, Germiston. Occasionally, my husband has to go away for a night or 2. I have 2 small children and am looking for some sort of security. Can you send me some quotes? Email would be best, as I teach online and can't answer my phone during the day due to classes.
Activity : Erection of a Security Fencing at Epilepsy South Africa Springs Charrity organisation: R Type of Fencing Barbed wire Area/Length m Total Price Erector/Installer Project Manager Project duration(days) Risk Mitigation Plan cost R Benefits:
Good day. I require a simple slatted aluminium gate (coated bronze/dark brown) to fit an opening of mm x mm. I don't need a handle, but would like a key hole so that the gate can be locked from in- or outside. I have attached an example of something I found online as a reference, but it doesn't have to be like that exactly.
second driveway entrance, gate supply, exclude gate motor , include rail , gate and gate supports * Colour base coat of red oxide, Finial colour black , *Material: mild steel *Gate frame dimensions : 2.5m Width x 1.64m Height, 40x40mm sq tubing frame , 20 vertical pitch of 40 x 40mm sq pitch , *supports for gate to be included
Hie there, I would like a quote on supply and installed a galvanized welded wire mesh with an apature of by 50. It must be having treated round poles not metal poles. Must have 3 raws of barbed wire attached on the top part of the fence. Vineyards area, the ground is fairly flat, there is no hills or mountains. The ground is soft, no stones when digging holes. Pliz send me a price per meter. Also a final total of m by 1.8m high.
Hie there. May I please have a quote on supplying and installing 2 sliding gates of 4m long by 1.8m high. Main frames must be of a 50mm by 50mm by 1.6mm. Galvanized. Both frames are to be cladded using plained treated pinewood. mm by 20mm with no gapes in between. Both gates must be automated. Thanks
I represent Tshimologong , which is an innovation and education hub in Braamfontein. We are owned by WITS who is our shareholder, but are an independent company. We have a finger print and card access door system. Due to having many students the system needs to be robust. The system is currently broken and old and needs replacement. I have been requested to obtain 3 quotes from different suppliers in order to select a replacement system. At maximum it would be approximately 20-30 access points. I will provide full details, once suppliers identified. E-mail is preffered communication method. Thank you
Good morning, I am looking to fence one of the perimeters of my property. The property is completely fenced. However, the northern side, where the Accommodation & Vegetable Patch is, the fence has been broken by the squatters living in the adjacent property to make a path to the road. I seek to put up an impenetrable barrier on that side to avoid this. I have attached a Google Maps image of what I'm referring to. Please could you provide some options and a quote for this.
I'd like an alarm system and cameras installed. There is wiring for cameras currently with about 5 camera points at the property. I'll also require the wireless alarm system that one can operate on a mobile phone. The property is on a square meter land area, the house is square meters with 5 bedrooms. If you need anything else please contact me directly.
I require the testing of current faulted system and repair of current technologies that is already installed but not active. Possible new installation of a new inside and outside alarm monitoring system with armed response. It has to have different inside and outside monitoring settings in the different zones in and outside my house.