4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, guest powder room, combined lounge, diningroom, kitchen, washing room, double garages, stain of all wooden window frames and wooden doors and double garage doors, Exterior: painting (building sqm), high pressure cleaning of outside verranda +/- sqm as well as all paving areas, treatment of damping of walls outside.
My current house is sqm, want to extend up until sqm. Restructure the layout. Currently its a 3 bedroom double storey house - 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, dinning room and TV room. Double garage. Want to build 4th room downstairs. Extend kitchen. Move the stairs where they are and add a Pajama lounge.
The tenants of the flat have recently left and the walls of this sqm flat needs to be repainted. The previous paint job wasn't done so well as the painters had painted over things that weren't meant to be painted on. A stain had been left on the ceiling from a burst geyser some time back but in one of the bathrooms in particular, mould had appeared on the ceiling. The walls and ceiling of the bathroom particularly would need to be stripped and repainted.
1. Clean down and prepare internal smooth walls and add one coat PVA paint sqm 2. Clean down and prepare internal smooth walls and one coat eggshell enamel paint sqm 3. Clean down and prepare gutters and downpipes and one coat acrylic PVA paint 27m 4. Clean down and prepare ceiling and one coat exterior 28sqm 5. Clean down and prepare door frames and one coat gloss enamel paint25sqm
Five room with double garage and bathroom kitchen with two separate single plung and sitting room with two separate single plung the other three rooms each with single plung ten outside lights one plung in garage and bathroom and isolator for stove eah room with single switch and two passage switch and light in veranda
I have a section of the roof that is flat. There is a hollow depression in the roof where water collects when it rains and it eventually seeps through or floods in through an adjacent skylight. the depression must be removed and resealed. There is water ingress through a chimney that was retro fitted, which needs to be repaired.
1 I need to renovate my bathroom, all the sanitary ware is to be replaced as it is old and an undesirable colour. (Sink & faucet, Toilet, Bathtub with taps) 2 There is also a kitchen sink that needs to be replaced, and two taps for laundry that needs to be lowered slightly (20cm downwards). in the same position but just a bit lower so that the taps are underneath the kitchen counter.
Old roof sheeting is rusting, some sheets are almost rusted through. will need to replace the roof sheets with galvanized iron sheeting. area is aprox. 4.5m x 3.5m. Need a quote for 1) take off and remove old sheeting labour cost, 2) labour cost for putting up the new sheets, 3) quote should include cost of material as well (galvanized sheets, screws, washers etc.)
I have a litres of jojo slimline tank . I wanna connect water from the main water supply into jojo and from jojo into the house. I don’t know if the same pressure pump that is currently connected will work or should I buy one. I need a job to be done by professionals/ you don’t wanna take chances. So I need to know how much can be expected from me for the job to be done.
Good day, I want to fully repaint my interior of my house. Work that needs to be done: All the walls - Living room - 2 bedrooms - 2 bathrooms - Skurting - Ceiling of 1 bathroom. - Kitchen cupboard - 2 doors - Window frames The house floor sqm is 99 I would estimate the walls to be around - sqm.