Razor wire fence piranha Galvanised a hight of 1.8- meter diamond mash with an open ×mm. high tensile core.BTO-20.supported by a plain wire galvanized 4 mm three line running parallel top middle and bottom. Fencing stel pole standards Y- profile (kSTD1.80).Bitumen coat 3.24 kg /pole .The pole must be installed 3m apart
There is currently prefab walling in place but we wish to remove that and build a brick and mortar wall instead. The fence needs to be detachable to allow a truck to move in and out and lay down materials behind the fence needed for the building of the new brick and mortar wall. We therefore need a temporary fence for the time being to protect us against theft as this is something that has happened twice before and is a major issue. After the brick and mortar wall is finished/built we will need the fence to be removed.
One razor wire diameter height (estimate 0,45m) by 9 slabs (13,5m) on east end vibracrete wall and 7 slabs (10,5m) on back vibracrete wall and another 9 slabs (13,5m) on west end vibracrete wall, totalling to 37,5m in length. Need to supply galvanised fixture brackets, onto each concrete upright post, as well.
I already have a clearview fence installed and I am looking for a barbed razor wire fence for the top of the clearview fence. I have an approximate length but I am not percent sure if that length is correct. This is quite urgent as I am looking for the fence to be installed by the end of this month.
Barbed wire (in rolls) to be affixed/secured to retaining structure ''wall'' in order to prevent intruders climbing retaining structure and gaining access to the property. So lengths of razor wire to be affixed to retaining structure/wall in order to prevent intruders from climbing up the structure/wall. Also required in possibly a new fence will razor wire for a small section adjacent to the retaining structure/wall.
1.Need a washing machine to be installed, no pipes and no water outlet connection, only tap. Need to break through the wall, need to make it neat and painted afterwards 2.The kitchen tap is leaking 3.I need a small welding job on the lawn mower 4. To quote on cement floor for bird cage or part thereof. 5. one or 2 other tasks as well, to be advised. Need to be done before weekend
contractor that will be able to remove the existing fence and install a new Steel Palisade fence at the Tsheesebe Primary School in Waterberg District Municipality 3. STEEL PALISADE FENCE AND ACCESSORIES SPECIFICATIONS 3.1. Installation of Steel Palisade Fencing Panels: 1.8 x 3m above ground level. 3.2. Fence bearers: 40 x 40 x 2m angle iron. These are to be placed mm from top of paling and mm from bottom of paling. (mm from ground level). These are to be welded flash with the back of the post. 3.3. Palings “Devil Fork” 21 palings per panel. 30 x 30 x 2mm steel angle iron paling 1.8m high. Paling to be inserted and firmly welded to the bearers at mm centres to be centre. Top of the paling to provide a “Devil Fork” effect and bottom will have a dove tail. 3.4. Installation of 2.4m high (76 x 76 x2 mm) Posts: 76 x 76 x 2mm steel square tubing with closing pyramid caps on top. Post must be 2.4m high and mm will be planted into concrete footing to Engineer’s design. 3.5. Installation of Palisade Gates for Pedestrian and Sliding Gate 3.5.1. Sliding Gate: 5 m wide x 1.8 m high. 40 x 40 x 2 mm 4 m wide x 1.8 m high. 40 x 40 x 2 mm Post to be founded in a concrete footing x x deep. Concrete strength to be 20Mpa (minimum) at 28 days. 3.5.2. Pedestrian gate: 1.2 m wide x 1.8 m high. 40 x 40 x 2 mm 3.5.3. Painting: Clean surface and allow to dry completely. Remove all Flux, Rust, Grease and loose material before painting. All joints must be smoothed. Apply one coat Primer for steel (red oxide) and apply one coat universal undercoat and one coat Gloss Enamel (Traffic Green as specified by the LPDE) No brush painting. 3.5.4. The School has perimeter of metres N.B. the tenderer must price for Installation Labour Only, Including the concrete footing; the fence will be supplied by the fabricators.
Good morning Can you please send me a quote for 4 x 2.4M x 3 M x 20 PALES PER 3 METER /SPIKES=SPEAR 30 X 30 COLDROLL ANGLE panels 1 x 2.4M x 1 M Panels 6 x 3M x 76x76 x 1.6 POST 1 x 0.9 x76x38 Rectangular Tube 1.6 Pedestrian Gate And nut and bolt for mounted all panels mounted to the post Area will be 4M x 3M Am looking for your reply
Hello, I'd like a quotation to install an electric fence on my property. We're sub-dividing a plot in Farmall, so there is an existing perimeter fence, but we'd like to define a new boundary within that with approximately ~m of 18 strand fence connected to the existing boundary. The existing boundary fence (~m) needs a new energizer and possibly some repair. Sketch attached with existing boundary (red); new fence (green); and location of energizer (red circle). Please contact me by email. Regards,
I am looking for fencing for my yard, for a farmland. I am able to arrange pick-up from the supplier. I would also like some advice with regards to how many poles will be needed along with the fencing and with regards to anything else I might need along with the fence. I would also like to know the difference in costing between supply of fencing materials only and supply + installation.