I want quotes to change it flat roof to a tiled roof.
Roof must be repaired come and stamped with new crass
Roof is full of moss, roof is 7x12
The basement is humid and is smelling musty, the walls are flaking in one of the rooms. In winter, cold air seeps through into the ground floor because of the wooden flooring and the spacing between the floor boards. I want a cost effective, economical and durable solution like a fibre seal for walls and underflooring.
Skirting boards in 3 rooms plus small passageway, painting 5 window frames. I may ask for additional quotes on 4 doors and 3 sets of wardrobe/cupboard doors.
Roof is leaking and roof sheets needs to be replace.
To re-thatch roofs structures on the mine urgently
We need to paint the walls, doors and ceilings
Repair of a Thatch roof