My circuit breaker broke and I initially bypassed it with someone's assistance the bought a new circuit breaker and asked a friend to install it for me. He tried but what he found was that the wiring had been tampered with and all he could do was again bypass but told me to get the help of a professional
1. Connect 10 plugsockets 2. Wire 9 light with cercuits and fitt light fittings 3 Rewire distrubution box single phase 4 Fault find 2 light cercuits 5 Wire and conect geyser 6 Connect stove
Drainage pipes installationor sink and washing machine taps included with pipes 13 metres long with my own material
Copper pipes from the entire house were stolen and need to be replaced. Some pipes are intact, but most have been removed or are damaged.
Complete plumbing installation for new cottage
When we flush the toilet the water does not go back to that little thing we then have to fill it by our selfs
Replace L Geyser complete with vacuum breakers and pressure valve, Replace 4 closed coupling toilets, Repair 4 cistern kits replace, Replace underground water pipe 80 Meyers with DBE black underground water pipe from pollprop to DBE, Replace clay pipe surace underground with PVC underground pipe inclusive of 5 elbows 5 y junctions 70 Meyer pipe to be replaced, install 1 outside tap complete with 1 Meyer galvanised pipe and elbows install 3 rodding eyes replace 8 Flexi pipes, Install 4 kitchen mixers complete, Install 7 gullies complete with gully stones, install 8 ball o stops, Install 4 toilet seats, install complete urinal for men's toilet