10 windows and 1 big French door (see the pics for dimensions).
Double hung sliding, 2m x 2 m, Colour brown.
1. standard x12 (wxhmm), 2. ND4F x4, 3. NC2F x2, 4. Bathroom x3. Thanks!
10 windows and 1 big French door (see the pics for dimensions) - I also need PVC quotes.
We are building a triple story residential unit at 27 Mount Argus Road, Umgeni Park and will be requiring the aluminum window frames & glass and glass balustrades in approximately 2 weeks from now - please can you contact the site manager Jay on to measure up & quote on (including installation) - the plans have deviated from the original design, so sending those through to quote on would not work. You can email the quote (include maximum trade discount) to
7 widows x 3 widows x(toilet) 2 widows x double hung 2doors Bronze all
It's a two story house.