Wooden door old and breaking out of wall. Want to install new doors with frames
1.8 height.
Buying a house in Faerie Glen, challenging defects. Need a quote for work required such as fixing loose panels next to sliding doors, doors not locking, window handles missing and not closing or opening. I am currently in the UK but available on email.
SLiding or sash - 1.68 X 1.47 cm
Please email or Whatsapp me as I am currently out of the country. International calls are quite expensive due to international roaming so please rather email. I respond quite quickly. Access to my property in my absence can be arranged. Aluminium window (see picture attached) opening pane is leaking and frame needs to be repaired/sealed. Window is NW facing and receives the full force of the wet weather in the Winter months and full sun in the Summer months. Work to be done in second half of September .