I need solar system to mainly substitute the unreliable eskom electricity. If it's not load shedding, a fuse in the transformer has burnt out or breaker failed. To be used for lights,4 burner stove, fridge, geyser, double door garage motors and gate motor and plugs for tv ,ironing , kettle and other electric appliances
Good day, I hereby ask if it would be at all possible for you to be able to put together a quotation for me to also provide my unit 88 in Fynbos Heights lifestyle Village with a solar power system. My unit does not have sufficient roof space on the North side, but has plenty of East and West roof space. I did read about such a situation and it shouldn't be a problem for you. Of course, it would be best if you could personally come and see and make a recommendation. I already have my hot water system on a solar panel, and only want my power points for computers, TV, sound system, Internet modem, and recharging points, plus all the lights of the rooms (6). Would also like to connect the fridge and possibly a microwave and air fryer if possible. I am not in a big hurry for the installation, if I accept your quote the installation can be done as it suits you. I await your reply in excitement With thanks
1x 5.5 kw susynk inverter 2x 5 kw sunsynk batteries 8× w Canadian solar panels Installed and coc
I have a sunsynk solar system that has been installed. It's like 99% done, the entire PV side is done including dc protection box, the switch gear has also been done. The only thing missing is to wire 2 breakers (geyser and oven) on the non essential board. I can send pictures of everything. And I then need a CoC. The electrician and I had a falling out and now he doesn't want to finish the install. Would you be able to help?
I want a quote for 8x w canadian solar panels mounted with renusole/variosole rails, middle clamps and end clamps, the furthest point away from the inverter is max 10 meters, i want 6mm pv cable, 2 strings of 4 pannels each, then i want 2x 25Amp 2pole dc circuit breakers one for each string and then i also want 2x dc surge arrestors one for each string, i want my panels grounded to an copper earth spike and that same earth i want connected to my surge arrestors aswell, the pv breakers and pv surge arrestors i want in a neat 6way pvc db, inverter i have is a kodak og-max 7.2kw
Less dependent on Eskom.
Hibrid system 24xw, 3 x 5kw inverters, 4 x 5kw Li-ion battery. Night running: l geyser, 3 x aircons, washing machine, tumble dryer and security lights. Some indoor lights and TV could be on but seldomly past 21:00. 2 x laptops running between 18:00 and 23:00 sometimes. 2 x freezer and 3 x fridge
In need of an offgrid system. Site survey was done and I'm looking for a 20kw 3-phase solar system, most preferably Deye products. Quotation MUST reflect individual component cost per item and installation separate. Price for batteries, price for panels, price for inverter, price for installation components and price for labour. Installation building is straight forward with panels on top and system directly underneath it next to the main distribution board, all cabling in trunking. Thank you
I need the hole solar system pages on my roof of my one story house that includes a 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom. And i also have a rental flat on my property that alao needs to be included and the flat has 2 bedrooms and one bedroom. My roof is not flat its up in the air like most houses and it made of concrete.