Yes - it is a small garage which has been turned into an extra room. The roof is from corrugated sheets, and is currently leaking. The house has a few small leaks (+- 3) which will also need water proofing done.
I have a flat concrete slab roof. I need to replace the current torch on as it is leaking when it rains heavily and causing damp through out the building. The roof portion that needs sealing is over sqm, but I don't know the exact number off hand. I will need to go there later or tomorrow and walk off the measurement. I would like this sooner rather than later, but am a little flexible. I attempted a short term fix as I wanted to build on the roof, but it looks like I will have to wait on that now and just repair the roof. See attached pictures.
Waterproof new slab
Roof waterproofing
Repairs of aged/damaged water proofing on small sections of the roof showing signs of water damage and cracks. Cleaning of existing waterproofing membranes on the rest of the roof and replacing damaged pieces with overcoat and torching. Application of 2x overcoat matching the existing colour of the house.
ground floor garage dug into the ground on 2 sides. Retainer walls and foundation columns for top structure need to be water proofed.
Please see the image attached. The circled roof area needs to be waterproofed.
all is concrete roof slabs of sqm
The slap was joined so there is a crack.
Need industrial gutters installed as we are expecting heavy rain by the 24th of February. This is therefore a bit urgent.