Supply and install for 3 bedroom house. Domestic use only for keeping basic items running.
I have a company in one of the complexes in Brits. I need an alarm system, CCTV cameras in my place of work.
Solar energy will be required for heating a geyser, giving light to a three room house, aircon, stove and other domestic electric appliances. Thank you.
II have 6xW panels installed.Wiring is done from panels to change over switch and 5KW Hubble battery at Distribution Board.I have a new 5KW Deye Inverter that needs to be connected with correct circuit breakers,etc in place.
I am looking for a proper quotation for security systems for an entire estate complex. it comprises of free-standing houses and does not have a fence/wall separating them from the rest of the neighbourhoods. this has made them easy targets for house robberies and all. please include your reconditions in your quotation.