How to successfully handle metal roof leak?
Discover simple fixes and expert tips for metal roof leak repair at seams. Quickly address the root causes, avoid costly damage, and learn when to hire a pro.
Roof is leaking
St Albans College. Library roof needs urgent waterproofing and repair. Screed concrete slab towards outlets , where necessary * Waterproof ±m² concrete slab * Supply and replace broken roof tiles * Waterproof ±m wall flashings * Screed ±m box gutters towards outlet to rectify pitch of water flow * Waterproof m box gutters * Paint UV resistant
Double storey resitial, my roof is leaking in kitchen. Best time to call me is anytime before today.
RBI material
I need quote to fix leaking roof only on my sitting room. Only one area is leaking when it is raining
Balcony leaking water when it rains
The house has a zinc roof which constantly leaking
The water comes from the top , leaking down the balcony you can contact me at any time