Replace poly carbonate roof sheets and water proof. Water proof IBR sheeting and install gutter.
Asbestos roof deteriorating. Need new roof.
6.4x4.2 open lapa.
i just need a flat roofing for an existing rdp house.
I have roof tiles, need the roof replaced as the old roof is slate. Need a roofer to replace slate with tiles.
Concrete flat roof, approx. sqm existing waterproofing is leaking into house in some areas. Please, quote to re-do waterproofing (torch-on) I am available on Whatsapp, email and Whatsapp call.
My house has two standing roofs joined by parapit. Between these roofs there is a flat roof joining them with a very slight slope and lots of leaks. Need to waterproof parapit joint and flat roof section. IBR standing roof and corrugated on the flat section. I am not very connected phone wise. Email or WhatsApp works best.