Everything you need to know about waterproofing your home
Every South African homeowner can avoid lots of problems by waterproofing their homes.
Flat roof. Wooden
Roof is tile and old we want a repair or replace quote for the tiles or replace with IBR, what ever is more affordable.
waterproofing a flat balcony. Tiles have been lifted & new tiling will be done. 40 sq mt.
My roofing is leaking
Metal Roof leaking. Garage area. Was an additional build.
Flat roof above garage, surrounded by a small parapet wall, the floor area is covered by tiles would like to have a complete waterproof coverage with the sides slightly against the wall to stop future leakage. The area is approximately 42 sq metres and I have at present leaking problems at the inner edge of the walls.
Wet Damp floors and walls.