Financial Statements Audit Expenses and Disbursements: Ensure expenses are legitimate, properly authorized, and recorded in the correct period. Review supporting documentation for major expenses. Assets: Conduct physical verification of fixed assets and inventories. Evaluate the design and implementation of internal controls over financial reporting.
Internal audit
We are a primary school and we request an auditor. please send us a quotation.
The Health Professions Council of South Africa has about Symantec Endpoint Protection Licenses to protect personal computers and servers against cyber-attacks. These licenses are divided into two licenses( and ) and both with different expiry dates). The current renewal focuses on the licenses which are expiring soon.
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Kholofelo Chipu from , a non-profit dedicated to empowering South Africa's youth with access to good health and development opportunities. Due to our limited budget, we are unable to finance an independent review of our financial records. We are seeking your help in conducting this review pro bono. In return, we are happy to acknowledge your generous support in our communications . Thank you for considering our request. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this further.
We are a Non-Profit Organization, rendering Home and Community Based Services in the Northern and Tygerberg Sub-Districts of the Western Cape. We receive funding from Department of Health and Wellness, Health Foundation and NACOSA for various Projects. We would like to request that our Annual Financial Statements from 01 April to 31 March be audited. Independant auditors report will be required. Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Changes in Equity, Cash Flows, Accounting Policies and Notes to the Annual Financial Statements.
Scope of Work The appointed service provider will be responsible for the following but not limited: 1. Correction of prior periods differences on balance sheet items. 2. Prior periods income tax & deferred tax reconciliations. 3. Preparation of historic tax returns. 4. Provision of technical opinion on historic VAT. 5. Minerals & petroleum royalties historic reconciliations. 6. Accounting technical opinion on the fair value of loans to and from group entities, contingent liabilities, and intangible assets. 7. Preparation of annual financial statements for the following entities with supporting schedules: o Alexkor SOC Ltd Group o Alexkor Rehabilitation Trust o Alexkor RMC JV 8. Compilation of irregular expenditure reports for National Treasury. 9. Review & update of the Debtors Management Policy to align with PFMA. 10. Review & update of the Asset Management Policies of the Alexkor Group. 11. Preparation of Expected Credit Loss (ECL) calculations & impairment assessments. 12. Review & update of internal policy on ECL with a clear methodology. 13. Development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Finance unit.