I would like to get a quotation for installing a sliding driveway gate. I am not in a hurry therefore I would like the Pro's advice regarding the material and the quality if possible I would really appreciate it first to get pictures together with prices. Please feel free to contact me for more info and on how to go about from here forward.
I am in a process of building a house so I want to know the prices for each and everything that will be needed as I am building this house from my own pocket. I need to know how much will it cost to install and supply the driveway gate. I would really appreciate it if you attach pictures of the gates together with the quote.
I need a quote for the supply plus the installation of the following door sizes: 1. 2.*2.m 2. 0.*2.m 3. 0.*2.m 4. 0.*2. I need a breakdown of each and every door listed above i.e. ( size, labour for the installation and then material). Please feel free to contact me for more info.
General maintenance and repairs - please price separately per item listed below 1. Bedroom cupboard shelves need realignment or replaced where damaged 2. Bedroom cupboard doors need to be aligned or re-adjusted 3. Kitchen door hinges and/or door lock needs adjustment to close properly. 4. Washing lines need to be replaced (use nylon, not rope) 5. Small oil drips on the driveway need to be cleaned 6. Top kitchen corner cupboard has mould inside and the backboard needs to be cleaned or replaced 7. Inside doors needs to be fixed ( door handles and fixes loose door panelling and repaint) 8. Remove stains inside toilet bowl 9. Repaint lounge/dining room area with white paint (standard room size) 10. Check if fireplace is blocked and the cowl on the roof moves freely 11. Kitchen cupboard doors - check if hinges need adjustment and tighten loose knobs or replace missing knobs 12; Laminate flooring edging that is damaged needs to be replaced 13. Laminate flooring that can be joined back where it is moving apart without lifting the entire floor
Please call me so that I will send you the measurements and then pictures
Two doors sanding and painting
Need a security gate with automatic pedestrian entrance
I need a full supply with a full installation that comes with a motor. Please feel free to contact me for more info.
Need installation of 43 pictures at Medi -clinic Brits around the 27/7 on security brackets
To secure a standard-size outside door [roughly by ] on the garage [wooden frame]