Top causes of poor airflow in air conditioners
Explore common causes of poor AC airflow, from clogged filters to frozen coils, and learn how to keep air circulating efficiently for a cooler, more comfortable home.
Can you please send your hourly rate on Whstapp, please? Thank you
Install a new dishwasher at an existing connection, can you please indicate your rate per hour preferable on Whatsapp, please
To install curtain rods
I have an 18BTU Bosse airconditioner that works but makes a humming noise wen switched off.
I need a btu split unit installed The indoor unit will be mounted in an open loft +/- 8m away from the outdoor unit
Replacement of a front gate wheel. It includes cutting and welding
Hi there, I have a pivot door just looking for a quote for installation please. Thank You
I wish to have someone collect and install a washing line for me. I shall purchase it at Builders. I shall be in Knysna as from 13 December