About: Middelburg Glass & Aluminium is a company located in South Africa that offers services such as the supply and installation of windows and doors. The company serves the Middelburg area.
1 door 5 Windows - solid on side, other side swing up windows
6 Sliding glass doors with a width of 1.10m 1 Glass hinged door with width of 80m 1 double glass hinged door with width of 1.5m 1 glass hinged door with width of 1.10m
Aluminium,bronze,top hung, 1. PTx 6 2. PT X 8 3. PT X 2 4. PT X 2 5.PT X 1 Kindly send broucher to compare sizes and specifications
Aluminum, dimensions mm x mm
sliding whatsapp only
Garage doors electrified
We are looking for white aluminium windows, the size of our window which needs to be replaced urgently is height by . I prefer email communication .
double hung