I am Nicola medical rep I need a labour lawyer to help me get back on the marked I have been black mail from my previous employer but unfortunately can not prove it We departed with a mutual agreement due to that I could no longer work under that circumstance with a colleague that has treated me ill I have been declined by probably 20 other companies I have won 🏆 the reward for the best rep of the year and have previously won 4 best rep of the year In the last 7 years I was with this company
Greetings Enquire about business visa/permit application from a business investor, he has already started building a property development for short term , request for quote for your services, already he has registered a company with cipc, business account, tax clearance certificate, UIF and COIDA in process of registration. What other necessary documents are required and how long will the process take
I sent a letter of demand claiming a sum of monies owed to me. the defendant claims he now owes me nothing but the i have received no money except the initial portion he sent me during the 3rd of September. I need a to go through the small claims court but he is based in cape town currently and I am in Joburg. i Have multiple pieces of evidence that he still owes me a sum of money.
I was recently hired at a security company as a control room operator for the night shift and after having worked 8 x 14Hours night shifts in a row on my own and after only having 1 day of training before the boss had me working alone, there was never any mention of any problems relating to my work performance but then in the 3 days that i was after my 8 night shifts in a row, they hired some one else in to take my place and then the day before i was to start my next shift again i was contacted by the office and told that the boss said that i must not come into work the weekend ,as originally planned but that the boss would like to see on the following monday to talk to me about something. When i got to the office i was degraded and accused of doing drugs at the office based on a dirty earbud that someone had scratched out of the the tiny little bin next to the toilet in the single bathroom stall that is shared by everyone one that works at this company. I was made to not only take a drug test infront of all of my other colleagues but then when i tested Positive for morphine which i have a script from the doctor for using, the boss further degrading and demeaning me infront of the entire office staff saying how she knew that i was drug abuser and how can i even still be at the office, i should be ashamed and then even tho i had my doctor send her an email directly with all information pertaining to my medications she contacted her labour lawyer and then first called me to to have me sign a new one month only Contract and ripping up the original 3 month contract that i was given les than 2 weeks prior and then after basically all ready terminating my services at the end off this now based on this completely horrid and unfounded attack on me and my character she also had took photos of the drug test that she made me take this morning with positive result for morphine use and printed it out in full a colour and to fit the entire A4 page to be attached to my final written warning about doing doing drugs or being on drugs while at work and then had the all of my colleagues sign this warning and full coulour print outs of the drug test as witnesses ... Please help
My father he used to work at GPO early 70s then he past on he work there for 23 years after he past on my late mother she try to claim his pension fund she didn't get it they fill forms and they gave her another appointment when she get there they tell the person wa helping he past on they give another one when she get there is another story until she past on please help
It is a maintenance case. Case has been going on since last year. It's my husband and baby mamma He is currently paying R per month, responsible for school fees, stationary, clothes and extra mural activities. For two kids (girl 16years, boy 12 years). My husband is behind with school. He cannot afford to pay R ontop of being responsible for everything else. We would lile to review the maintenance to suit both parents
My name is blacklisted bcos of my ex-husband who have went to the debt collectors while I was no longer staying with him. The debt collector is failing to do their own invistigation of his current situation even after I have gave them some information regarding his current financial situation. He is now working at Anglo Mine in Angola. He refuse to come in board and fix the situation since his financials are not affected but mine. I am currently working as a security guard and cannot afford to use cash all the time, this situation has put me in a hindrance situation since my name is blacklisted
I'm a Zimbabwean who has been illtreated, faced racism at the workplace and also hasn't been paid for February salary. I am at the property right now but Dean Hubbard, the owner, is not even showing any respect to my need for my salary to pay rent. I'm on the verge of becoming homeless due to that specific reason. I have all the messages he sent me regarding the issue of salaries. He constantly ignores me because of that
I have a tenant I would like assistance with eviction. The tenant has been in arrears for most of the lease duration. Letters of demand are being "ignored", and a lease cancellation letter together with a notice to vacate have since been issued but the tenant has not vacated almost a month and a half after the grace period expired. The tenant is always buying time and does not want to write down any agreement or commit to any payment plan.
I need an attorney to be in the high court on the 11th of this month I was illegaly evicted and we hot a high court order to stay the eviction there is an advocate but my lawyer decided to withdraw on 99 and my property was badly damaged by the sheriff's office people and numerous of my belongings is missing aswell I am still buzy looking through the remainder of my things.