I would like my roof tiles to be waterproofed as somehow the water is running down my walls after the heavy rain.
I am currently in the UK but available on Whatsapp, Whatsapp call and email. Persistent leak when it rains, under certain conditions. Many people have tried to fix it and failed. The source of the rain leak has not been found. Water is running along the plastic sheet under the tiles, and then drips down through a hole where the chimney/flu is. The source is NOT the chimney seal on the top of the roof.
different areas on my roof are leaking
Extension and reconfiguration of internal walls The roof cover is sqm.
To seal the leak of roof tiles.
I currently have a asbestos roof that is leaking. I would like to replace my whole roof.also I have built on an addition that does not have roof cover yet. So need a roof on my addition as well.
Please help me. The builders didn't install a plastic (black plastic) in the foundation. The problem now is that the paint and the plastering is peeling off because of moisture. My house is in King Williams town. Can you please give me a quote? Or can you please assist me?