Simple fence with one small pedestrian gate Used to keep dogs in grass area
6 Line Elect Fence Installed including energizer .
I need m, and the best stand that you have. 8 lines
Electric fence for perimeter wall around property.
I need to install spikes palisade fencing on top of my wall fence for 1 metre height on a sqm yard.
I have the fence but i need the gate as well .
I want to have a full electric fence installation on top of a built wall and gates at my factory in Blackheath Cape Town . Best quote wins . Email only please
Looking for reasonable quote and company who has experience and uses latest technology and reliable guaranteed products for electric fencing approx 23 meters and about 6 set of wires. Electric fencing company can initially Whatsapp me their quote and if im interested thereafter they can attend premises for exact measurements as final quote.
Requesting quote for galvanized fencing