8 painting techniques you should try for your next painting project
Here are some beautiful painting techniques you can use to dress up your walls.
Ek wil 'n stuk gras laat uithaal en dan pave.
Lime wash painting and repairs. See pictures attached.
Interior painting of walls - 5 bedrooms. I am available on Whatsapp and email.
Please email me so that I have everything in writing and can keep record. Please find attached a detailed list of offices that need to be painted and which colours have been chosen for which office.
Document to be attached
Area is +_18 sq m. Red beval bricks, for entertainment area. +_ 8 m2 grass to remove to prepare paving area
House to be painted an option to paint the roof, about M tile roof
2 x Quotes - Normal paving bricks and half bricks - to pave around the pool, shadeport and strip next to pool.