About: LSG Virtual Accountants is a South African based accounting firm that provides businesses with quality accounting services. We have a team of highly skilled and experienced accountants who are dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible service. We offer a wide range of services including bookkeeping, financial statement preparation, tax return filing, and much more. We are proud to serve the Pretoria and Johannesburg areas and we are always available to answer any questions you may have about our services.
I need someone who can help me grow my business
I need payslips that will include EMP, EMP as well as IRP5 and UIF services. Due to loadshedding I will only be available after 13:30 - please make contact with me around or after that time.
Assistance with correcting management accounting to have a fair presentation. Assistance with the balance sheet asset and loan accounts.
I am looking for accounting services for a small business offering IT services to a few clients.
I am looking to buy a building for my business and need an accountant to look over my books and get my financial statements in order so that I can move forward with the buying process. I need certain sign offs from an accountant to proceed.
Tax returns to be compliant
Filing a nil tax return.
3 year catch up including fixing my VAT and TAX for those periods as well.