To seal the leak of roof tiles.
Installation of carpet for 3 bedrooms. See pictures attached. The room size is xcm. I am not sure at all about size in sqm so measurements could be incorrect. Need someone to check.
floor damage to parquet flooring tiles, 1 SQM
Please help me. The builders didn't install a plastic (black plastic) in the foundation. The problem now is that the paint and the plastering is peeling off because of moisture. My house is in King Williams town. Can you please give me a quote? Or can you please assist me?
IBR flat roofing - House approx 40 years old
Quick step flooring oak natural.
Please email me and introduce yourself properly so that I can know who I am dealing with. I need waterproofing of 2 x apartment blocks. I need to get quotes for the Body Corporate for the repainting and sealing of the situated at the corner of Guthrie and Cliff Streets, De Kelders, Gansbaai from properly registered professionals.