Need a solar panel repair or replacement? Here’s what to do
Explore common solar panel issues and discover practical steps for repair or replacement. Get professional guidance and free quotes on Procompare today!
I want to charge 2 x ah batteries with 2 panels, one panel is already installed.
Need solar panels to avoid power outages.
Load shedding backup system that one can upgrade. I would like someone to explain all the different back-up systems that are possible to use during load shedding so that I can make an informed decision. I am busy at work from 8 to 4pm but I do have some times during the day where I am available for calls as well. If I do miss a call, I am available on email and Whatsapp as well.
I have the solar panels. Need to have the structure to support them there are only 2 panels to start, going to 10 panels. I need the brackets, rails and the fittings to be installed on the cement tiled roof.
Household on 3 levels