We require a quote for an armed bodyguard to accompany our technician whenever they attend to a callout in Khayalitsha MyCiTi bus kiosk known as Kuyasa Kiosk, this would be on a sporadic basis, maybe 3 to 4 hours once every approximately 2 weeks for the next 2 years. the rate would therefore need to be an hourly rate and would be for whoever would be available when the call comes through.
1) Need to heighten existing asbestos-cement fence to fill a gap were 3 burglaries took place over x-mas season. 2) Would also need 3- 5 support poles -circa 3.5 meters. 3) Kindly supply standard width of your metal fence AS WELL AS Palisade fencing and pole prices - No decision yet as which of above two is more secure to intruders PLEASE NOTE - my phone ONLY rings for direct incoming calls - NOT Text or Voice Messages - Kindly ask your agents to PHONE .
It is a double story renovation from rental to a bed and breakfast. There is four to 5 plugs per room, every room has an en-suite bath/shower. It is 11 bedrooms, kitchen, dining area, Reception area, 2x linen rooms, each floor has its own DB, earthing required, outside lights working with a day/night switch, 2x geysers, 1 stove
Hi. We are a packaging company based in Jacobs. We require a dayshift and night shift guard at our premises. Duties will include: Hourly patrols around the premises, opening roller doors of factory in the morning and closing them at the close of business, keeping his/her guard station neat and tidy at all times, access control of all visitors (customers, suppliers, etc) These here listed are more or less the duties the guard will perform. Thank you
Hi there, do you offer night guarding services for a block of flats and if yes, what are your rates and options? 4 Ross street, Rossdeel flats, Amanzimtoti. We are also looking into upgrading/changing/adding to our cctv cameras. If night guarding services are not an option, and/or cameras are the best option. We currently have 2 cameras on either end of the 24, one level, undercover parking bays facing towards the automated gates. We require a camera in the undercover parking as vandals have been scratching cars and we have no footage to see because there is no camera there.
GRADE C, number of hours allocated per shift is 12 and for period of 24 months. Quote must clearly state all inclusive hourly rate per guard. N.B Please note that all rates should be inclusive of all direct cost such as, Leave provision, Study Leave, Family response leave, Night shift allowance, provident fund, bonus, COIDA, UIF plus Uniformed.
We want to install CCTV cameras inside our lift. The tenants vandalise the lift and we don't know who does it when and can't hold anyone accountable. This become added unnecessary expense for us, since the lift must be repaired sometime. It must be concealed well so they won't vandalise it too. Everyone will be informed of the existence of a camera inside the lift.
I need a quote on the following please. 2 Elock Indoor maglock lbs (kg) 12/24 VDC Monitored with LED 2 Elock ZL Bracket for LK 2 Securi-prod power supply 13.6 VDC 3AMP power store 2 Securi-Prod 12V-7.2Ah SLA Battery Door Closer Medium Duty 25-45Kg without hold open function 1 Commax - 1-2 IC Kit V DP-LA01M+S/DR-2K 1 Installation Set Up 1 Consumers
Good morning I trust this email finds you well. Can you please quote on the following:- 2 x day and 2 x night grade D security officers In your profile please provide us with contactable references. Should you need any information, please do not hesitate to email me. Kindly treat this as urgent. Kind regards
Hi there I need a VERY...VERY URGENT quote by 3pm today for the following: You can look at the office park on google to get an idea: Tudor Park Office Park 61 Hillcrest Ave Blairgowrie / Oerder Park Night unarmed guard x days Day unarmed Guard for 4 weeks over Xmas. Regards