https://www.facebook.com/-the---/ https://besternaymicah.wixsite.com/sowingtheseed?fbclid=IwAR0xqeZvL2MCbMbSA0RAsM1pV4r3YqxRUp5dyn8JKJ_Z9JUg3W7KY0dhRms
it should include social media links (facebook and WhatsApp)
Hi, Do you design and develope websites? Please kindly forward pricing. Thanks Cell: .
I want to create stockvel
I need a subscription website where my client can subscribe
Hi there I'd like to get a website designed. It will be an advertising platform for businesses. I do not need a portal for the clients, I will upload photos and information. They will be charged a monthly fee to have their business on the website. I'd like this fee to come off as a debit order or by using the payfast subscription method. Please see attached website idea. Could you please give me a quote. Thanking you