I specialise in hand therapy and rehabilitation. The aim of the website is to draw people to my practice when they search the web, I want to use it to educate patients and doctors and display my services and previous before and after photos.
I design and make plus size clothing , advertising on Facebook and Instagram I receive enquiries but most don’t convert into sales, I am not reaching the right target market.
We need a website that will allow our clients to register and make payment online since the bank has requested us to develop a secured website in order for the bank to allow us engage clients to register and make payment online
2 week deadline max, corporate website for legal firm.
Boutique golfing brand. My budget is between 10 to 15 . I am still in the early stages but I would like to get some pricing.
Medical bureau that needs a new business website.
We are a school..and require a website that reflects our services also we require an events calender.
New company, startup. I need social media marketing for Facebook/Instagram. The content will be directed strictly to grade 11 and Matric students only. The content will be apparel , maximum 5 items they can choose from that will be marketed to them. Posts and advertising will be limited since they are only targeting a specific category/individuals. I need the marketing to create exposure, generate sales and direct traffic to site(in that order) As explained, it's a start up, only offering services to specific individuals.
We want to showcase organic health and beauty products for different brands. My whatsapp number is .
Site planning & architecture documentation for 4 pages (home, about, services and contact) Creative concept for the site Home page. Asset preparation and design. Professional copywriting and editing. All copy to be lifted off the current site, but edited and updated to reflect new structure. Hand coded HTML, CSS and Javascript. Web server setup and deployment. Creation of Wordpress blog and updates/styling needed. Client liaison, project coordination and account management.