I’ve been contracted to do garden services (cutting grass and tidying up) for square metres
Please call me I need to first talk to some one
We have a residential mplex area, I am a trustee and we are looking to have a landscaping mpany do maintenance on the lawns, garden area etc. on a monthly basis. We have an issue as well with a field area that has thorns and we are looking to remove those.
Cutting of pavement lawn and deweeding. Small area, every 2nd week
Cutting of grass, edges, bedding maintenance.
Trimming Bushes, Trees and Hedges. Picking up Leaves and sweeping pathways. Size of Prop +-80 sq
Weekly garden maintenance need someone to come give me a quote
Grass cutting, weeding, trimming, etc. First time will be hectic as garden is terrible.
Cutting the grass and edging