How much does a fence cost?
How much do different types of fences cost in South Africa per meter installed? We calculated price ranges for palisade fence, electric fence, welded mesh and ClearVu fencing.
6 Line Elect Fence Installed including energizer .
I need m, and the best stand that you have. 8 lines
Electric fence for perimeter wall around property.
I need to install spikes palisade fencing on top of my wall fence for 1 metre height on a sqm yard.
Covid-19 Sanitizing gate. Pedistrian sanitizing gate.
Possible luggage facility
Good day I am installing a mt X mt folding door and would like to install a folding security gate, please can I have a quote. Regards
I have the fence but i need the gate as well .
I want to have a full electric fence installation on top of a built wall and gates at my factory in Blackheath Cape Town . Best quote wins . Email only please