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Services: AC repair, Aircon, AC servicing, AC installation, Air conditioning, Portable AC
I need to remove and reinstall 2 of my aircons, between 2 houses. Dining room & main bedroom. I need to do an exchange. From one free standing house to another free standing house We are moving houses, our current house has new aircons, we are moving to another house where old aircons are installed. We would like to exchange these aircons between the houses and move into our new house with our new aircons & move our old aircons to our current house.
Number attached is an office landline, please email me directly. How much is your service charge for one aircon at Woodstock Exchange? The workshop is quite cold and people do not want to work there so we need to get this sorted as soon as possible. Please regard this request as urgent as I need to get this sorted by tomorrow.
Advice & quotation for full installation. I don’t know how many AC's I will need. Have quite a large house so need professional advice. My house has an approximate floor area of m2 downstairs & an open mezzanine of about 70m2. Half the downstairs & the full upstairs are open plan. The other is normal rooms.
We are in the process of costing the upgrade of the CoCreate Hub on 7 Victoria Street, Stellenbosch. We are doing a costing and budgeting exercise for the donor who would like to contribute to the upgrade. We would need a general cost estimate for Aircons as well as installation in the below spaces: 1. Front Coffee Shop 2. Salon 3. Training Room 4. Meeting Room