I need a letter confirming turnover for the past 6 months
We have a Guesthouse in Somerset West. Our company (Pty Ltd) is VAT registered. Right now we are working with Sage Software and doing the bookings ourselves. Therefor we need a professional for VAT statement, Financial Statement and Tax services (Company and Private). Whenever possible we would like to continue with SAGE Software. Starting point would be new Business Year.
Onsight processing using Sage Pastel. Processing receipts +- line items (tithing and other donations); processing expenses +- items (ministry, property exps, project costs to ECD centres, welfare organisation international office exps). Many of the receipts and some expenses are premapped. Welfare organisation uses Project Codes. Enough work for 3 days a week.
Tax financial statements. My business is registered with national treasury not with CIPC
I'm a sole proprietor. I need someone to submit to sars for me and I need to apply for and pay vat
I am in the process of acquiring my FSP license and FSCA needs an appointment letter from book keeper which also states that my company is not yet in operation. I will then definitely make use of your services once in operation.
Filing for / tax year
Help with submitting returns
I require all of these above services for my business.