We are a lesbain couple who recently got back from a break up and willing to work things out. We want to communicate better, trust each other, and to be honest with each other. I would love my partner to be more open with her struggles We planning to get married and have children but want to fix us first before any responsibilities Families have known about the break up now the challenge is accepting that we are back together again. I wanna learn to trust and love my partner whole heartedly
This is for my nephew. He suffered loss of all his family members in his development years (between age 9 to 12 years). His mother (my cousin) passing in , his only sibling in and his grandmother (my aunt) in . The family then sent him to stay with an abusive aunt, thereafter. My nephew's current behavior indicates some age regression or being stuck in a certain age. He is grown, now 28 years but he behaves like a child. Can't think for himself, self sabotages, not wanting to do anything with his life despite thousand opportunities we give him. Has no direction in life and is not bothered by anything. He sees himself as a child. Not sure if his brain stopped developing after he lost everyone he was close to in a short space of time. But his development seems like it got distorted somewhere in the time line.