Double garage and new working space of at least 80m2. Please only email me, I am out of the country until September.
I would like to build a 4 bedroom house including the main bedroom, add a small study room, double garage with a butterfly roof
Hi I am a draughtsperson, still studying , looking for a professional to oversee and approve my drawings for2 clients. Your assistance would be greatly appreicated.
We have moved into a new house. We have a number of pre-existing furniture items but really need assistance in finishing up the house. Here is a link to the floor plans: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yub8n2tgou9p72j/Floor%20%26%20Site%20Plan.pdf?dl=0
House with pool Double story Double garage
2 bedroom single storey holiday cottage.
Small stone cottage, with loft, Grey IBR roof about 80-m² including loft space. Small garage with room for wood work etc, and storage room.
I want to build a small 34 sqm flatlet consisting of 3 total rooms. I want to use the cheapest building option (vibrecrete / nutec / brick and mortar) and i would like to have the flatlet build all the way up onto the boundary wall. The boundary wall is vibrecrete. I would like to if possible use the existing vibrecrete boundary wall as the new flatlets exterior wall if possible thereby saving costs. I do not know the building regulations and what is possible but we have a very limited space available. Also not sure where the drainage pipe are located but that might be an issue as well. Not sure if the drainage pipes can be rerouted. I need guidance please
I am needing a plan as I need my yard needs to be sorted and a garage to be built. I am not sure of the square metres though.
First time I am going to build. Do not know how things work and need advice.