I am unable to take calls. Please reach out to me either on email or Whatsapp and I will be able to answer any of your questions. I would like a quote for an event for max people. We will need light finger food for all attendees in the late morning, and then about 40 people will need a sit-down late lunch with plates, silverware and chairs included. Tables will not be necessary. The other 60 people will be having a spit braai and will need a tent and plates and silverware. We can supply the lamb for the spit braai. Please may you supply me with a quotation for the above, if possible? Thanks!
20 people. Traditional snack platters such as samoosa chicken strips cheese croquettes butter pastry meat pies and veg quiche. Self service. A variety of 3 desserts. Hazelnut choc éclairs caramel fresh cream spinge tray bake and orange chiffon cake. For the evening a lamb curry served with rice. For a total of 20 people.
Looking for a quotation for a spit braai for estimated people for a reunion at Oranje Meisies. Catering should include a spit braai, 2 side dishes and a dessert. The venue already has plates etc. However also looking for someone to decorate the place for example table cloths and candles on the tables.
We’re hosting a traditional Xhosa wedding and will be serving buffet style lunches for maximum people. For the menu we would like Rice, Dumplings (iDombolo), Samp, 3 Veggie options and 3 Salad options, we’re also slaughtering two chickens, two sheep’s and one cow for the ceremony and would ask you to please suggest options for the meat (one sheep we would like to spit braai and we would also like a beef stew)
Looking for catering and catering equipment. Need someone to make contact so that we can discuss, I do not have all of the details as yet and will disclose as we go further into the planning. We need someone who will be able to help with music and entertainment as well, as well as cutlery, crockery, tables and chairs.
We are looking for some snacky plates for after the ceremony, like a harvest table with a different variety of breads, pate's, jams and some fruits. Mains we were looking at different options, all varieties of foods would be looked after, and a discission will be made. We would look at Spitbraais, salads, veggies. buffets would also be an idea. Thanks you
Group of 7 colleagues is having a planning breakaway few days. We will do own light breakfast with yoghurt and cereal. We stay in a self-catering beach house. We do not want heavy lunches and rather platters/wraps/snack as we will be working. For dinner we would like a proper meal of hot food. We do our own drinks and coffee.
Hallo vertrou dit gaan goed. ons gaan 'n groot baba tee hou met mans en vrouens saam. ons wil asb uit vind wat dit moontlik sal kos om net vleis te doen vir die hoeveelheid gaste? Ons sal self slaaie en al die nodige cutlery verskaf. Ons het self 'n venue - Dwarsberg Trout Hideaway. Hoor graag van julle. Lekker dag.
Good day, I hope you are well. My name is . I am situated in Gansbaai and getting married 22 June at Strandskloof Campsite and Wedding Venue in Gansbaai and I would like to know more or less what your prices are for catering for a spit braai with sides for my wedding. There will be more or less 45 people. Is it possible if you can provide me a quote for a beef spitbraai? And what types of sides come with? Thanks in advance
Arrival - Tea and Coffee with Scones and assorted Fruits Lunch (85 People) - Starches (Rice and Dumpling) - Protein (Grilled Chicken and Beef Stew) - Sides (1 x vegetable and 1 x salad) Drinks: - ml Bottled water still X - ml canned soft drink X 70 - ml Bottled Fruit Juice X 30 Halaal Catering (15 people) - Starches (Rice and Roti) - Protein (Lamb curry and Grilled Chicken) - Sides (tomato and carrot salsa)