Choosing exterior and interior house paint - should you consult a professional?
A lot goes into what paints you should use to update your home’s interior and exterior paint colours.
Am professional painting
I'm very good to paint
I am
I need a quotation for an outbuilding which consists of a laundrette, a servant room, a massage room, a conference hall and a rooftop entertainment area. This means the building will need a rib slab.
Wet Damp floors and walls.
With gale force winds sound the tiles is loose a gutter also.
I am planning to build a double story as follows: - A garage and gym room on the ground floor. - A bedroom with a bathroom on the first floor. The first floor will have a balcony. A detailed plan is attached.
Corrugated iron roof full of leaks.
Corrugated iron roof with leaks - probably needs replacements.
Repair storm damage